When people struggle daily
to find jobs and resources,
peace will not last.
When discrimination
and hatred persist,
peace is an illusion.
When the public doesn’t
recognize the enormous human
and economic costs of war,
peace is not valued.*
New Activist Toolkit: Move the Money (Wage Peace Newsletter)
The decade since 9/11 has seen the largest expansion of the US national-security budget since the Cold War. Over $7 trillion has been spent on the Department of Defense, the intelligence community, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security and the establishment of a new Director of National Intelligence was the largest reorganization of the federal government since World War II.
When you couple all that spending with massive tax cuts it’s no wonder there’s a budget deficit.
Move the Money Web Page with Action Toolkits
What we are calling for:
Deep cuts in the Pentagon budget
Raising revenues through taxes on the wealthy and corporations
Continuing protection for programs that aid the most vulnerable
Short-run investments to stimulate job creation
These toolkit links can help support the call and help keep these resources in your community.
Focus on the ‘Super-Committee’
Move the Money Fact Sheet
How to Talk to Congress
How to Alert the Media
Bird Dogging 101
Community Based Resolution Campaigns
*Mural Image: What’s Left of Kabul, Guilford College community mural with Hannah Swenson, Courtney Mandeville and Layth Awartani, Greensboro, North Carolina. From the traveling exhibit Windows and Mirrors: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan.
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