Thursday, November 3, 2011

National Youth Video Festival | If I Had a Trillion Dollars

No we Can’t - $1 Trillion and Counting

AFSC, BAY-Peace, Met West High School, Emiliano Zapata Street Academy

The Trillion Dollar Question

The Village of Arts & Humanities, Philadelphia, PA

One of the most exciting projects we worked on last year was the If I Had a Trillion Dollars Youth Video contest. The responses were so compelling - two of my favorites are above - that we decided to have another. We are again partnering with the National Priorities Project (NPP).

This year will end with a big festival celebration from 7-10 April 2012 in Washington DC. AFSC and NPP will host a youth leadership conference and organize film screenings for members of Congress. There will also be community events.

Please take a minute to forward this invitation. There is still plenty of time, but videos must be received by 15 January 2012.

What Would Youth Do With $1 Trillion?

Some ideas for outreach and groups that participated last year.

Teachers and school video clubs
Community groups
Your kids, their friends
Faith communities
Occupy communities

The National Youth Video Festival asks young people to speak out on the federal budget and to consider:

The nearly $1 trillion spent every year on the US military.
The more than $1 trillion spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The more than $1 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

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